The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has established a Wildfire Victims Emergency Relief Fund to help the victims of the recent wildfires. There will be a special second collection. The fund will provide grants for food, clothing, and other needs due to the recent wildfires. Anyone who would like to donate to help our brothers and sister who are suffering because of these fires, please contribute by clicking on the image on the left or by going to
Thank you for your support to help those who are suffering and have lost so much through these devastating events. Let us continue to prayer for all who have been impacted by the wildfires, and for the first responders and all volunteers who are on the front lines.Thank you for joining us! Click the video player to view our livestream, or choose to watch a recording of a previous Mass.
Can't see the livestream? If you get to this page before we have started streaming, just refresh this page. Once the stream has started a LIVE icon appears in the upper left hand corner of video, then click the play button to stream live. If we are not currently broadcasting, you can still watch previous broadcasts by choosing that option after you have clicked the play icon below.
We need your help, and it can be easy! Please prayerfully consider making a donation to
St. Brendan online. Thank you for your generosity.
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